
Dr. Ray Sleiman
Our Purpose is 3 fold:
1: To humble the Pride of Man
2: To exalt the Grace of God
3: To promote a Holy and Obedient Lifestyle

Dr. Mark Biedebach
It was Saturday, April 5, 1940. At the end of a meeting at the parsonage of the First Baptist Church of Altadena, a woman whose name was Mrs. Schroeder, came to me and asked "Mark, wouldn't you like to believe that Jesus died to save you from the penalty of your sin?"
Immediately I thought: This can't posslby work. What if I say "yes" and nothing happens? But my next thought was: I have nothing to lose. What if I say "yes"and Christ really does give my life new meaning? I did say "yes" to Mrs. Schroeder. In all of the days since then (three degrees and 38 faculty member years later), my life as a Christian has had wonderful meaning and purpose.

Osmundo Sabado
After I was born again in February 1991, I began to glorify the lord with all my soul and all that is within me, and I forget not all his benefits:
Our God, who forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases; who redeems my life from destruction and crowns me with love and compassion; who directs my life and guides me to the right path; who satisfies my desires with good things. And with all of these, I thank Him for everything He did to me, everything He is doing to me, and everything He will do to me.
I join this ministry because I find complete satisfaction by serving God. I pray that the Lord will bless this ministry, and help us all to promote the truth and love of His word. In Jesus name I pray.
Rick Yao
"Blessed are the feet of those who bring the Good News". Through this publication, we hope to bring into fruition, God's command to all believers,all for the glory of God! We pray that this material will be used mightily by God for the salvation of souls all over the world.
Ed Philoctete
I would be at a loss if I didn't have Truth & Love Ministry anchoring me in the Lord's truth from reading the Bible and Sabado's messages.

Orman Sabado
Up until 2008, I didn't know what it was like to have a relationship with God. I thought simply going to church and being engaged in the message for an hour a week was enough to fuel my spiritual life. I was wrong.
Serving with several ministries at YNCC (Young Nak Celebration Church) has enriched my life but importantly help me put into action God's teachings. "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." (Mark 10:45)
I pray that the Truth & Love ministry continues to spread the message and love of God. May it serve people all over the world and bring them closer to God.

Josh Kline
My goal in the Truth & Love Ministry is to spread the love of God in Jesus Christ through His Word. I also intend to defend the Bible as the inherent Word of God and absolute truth, and to bring that knowledge to the youth and elders alike.